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Friends and relations

Here follows is a list of projects connected with TidalCycles, whether they interface with, inspired, or are inspired by it.

(For a long list of _all_ the live coding environments, see the all things livecoding list.)

Ports and parsers

  • Estuary is a platform for collaboration and learning through live coding, hosting a range of environments in a web-browser, including "minitidal", a parser for tidal
  • Strudel is an advanced port of TidalCycles to Javascript that runs in a web browser
  • Kidal is a port of Tidal to Kotlin
  • Tranquility is a port of Tidal to Lua
  • Modal is another port of Tidal to Lua, focused on extending the mini-notation and running in embedded environments.
  • Vortex is a port of Tidal to Python


  • Extramuros, a language-neutral shared-buffer networked live coding system in the browser (precursor of Estuary)
  • Feedforward, a strange terminal-based editor in development
  • Siren - a tracker interface for TidalCycles and SuperCollider
  • Troop, a real-time collaborative tool that enables group live coding within the same document across multiple computers. Works with a range of live coding languages, including Tidal

Editor plugins

Synths and samplers

  • Dirt - the original 'classic' dirt, implemented in c
  • SuperDirt - the SuperCollider rewrite, recommended for general use (unless running in a web browser)
  • webdirt - the javascript rewrite, part of estuary

SuperCollider (or SuperDirt) add-ons

  • StageMaster - light mastering chain for use during live performance in SuperCollider

Visual systems

Syncing / interfacing

  • Carabiner, for bridging with the Link protocol
  • ESPGrid, synchronisation designed for live coding environments including supercollider, foxdot as well as tidal
  • Node.js interface for sending messages between javascript and tidal

Tidal-inspired systems

  • Krill - a javascript-based live coding environment inspired by tidal
  • tidal.pegjs - is a parsing expression grammar for the TidalCycles mini-notation, written using PEG.js. The goal of the PEG is to easily translate strings of Tidal-style mini notation into annotated JavaScript data structures for use in sequencing. Works with Gibber and Hydra!

Systems that inspired Tidal

  • Bol processor - algorithmic music system based on compositional grammars, grown from research into symbolic notation of tabla rhythms
  • Euterpea is a cross-platform, domain-specific language for computer music applications embedded in the Haskell programming language
  • Douglas Repetto's beat rotation experiments, e.g. rotcomposer in MEAPsoft