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Tidal Cycles does not provide an easy uninstaller. To uninstall Tidal, you will need to:

  • Uninstall SuperDirt and/or SuperCollider if you are not already using it for another purpose.
  • Uninstall the Tidal library and the GHC compiler.


Uninstalling Tidal Cycles on Linux can be tricky. There are multiple ways of installing it depending on the distribution you are using. Here are some tips you can use to locate all the components that are part of the Tidal install.

Using whereis

Type whereis scide sclang scsynth in a terminal path to get the path to SuperCollider binaries.

SuperDirt Quark

Open SuperCollider. In the File menu, click on Open user support directory. This menu will take you where SuperDirt is currently installed on your computer. Check in the downloaded-quarks for SuperDirt. Don't forget to uninstall the Dirt-Samples folder as well. It can be quite heavy (all the samples are located here).

Uninstall stack

If you installed Tidal using Stack, you can use a dirty but simple solution to uninstall it. Run rm -rf $HOME/.stack. This command will delete the hidden stack folder located in your root directory.

Stack will sometimes install a binary located here: $HOME/.local/bin. Delete it if you want.


Double-check or triple-check the rm -rf command. This is a powerful tool that will delete things definitively. Use it with caution as it can be quite dangerous if you mess with it.

Clean up cabal and GHC

To clean up cabal and GHC (user-installed packages), try running the following command in a terminal window:

rm ~/.cabal ~/.ghc

Double-check or triple-check the rm -rf command. This is a powerful tool that will delete things definitively. Use it with caution as it can be quite dangerous if you mess with it.


For chocolatey installs, see the instructions for Windows Chocolatey Cleanup.


Using uninstall-hs

Open a terminal window and type uninstall-hs. This command will delete many things Haskell related from your computer.

Uninstalling ghcup

If you installed Tidal using ghcup, you can try a hacky solution. Open a terminal window and paste rm -rf ~/.ghcup. This will delete the .ghcup hidden directory that was living in your root directory.


Double-check or triple-check the rm -rf command. This is a powerful tool that will delete things definitively. Use it with caution as it can be quite dangerous if you mess with it.

Clean up cabal and GHC

To clean up cabal and GHC (user-installed packages), try running the following command in a terminal window:

rm ~/.cabal ~/.ghc

Double-check or triple-check the rm -rf command. This is a powerful tool that will delete things definitively. Use it with caution as it can be quite dangerous if you mess with it.